We are grateful for your bold and generous step forward to support the Ukrainian partnership to rescue and help people in crisis. You stand up together with front line leaders who volunteered to risk their lives to shine the light of Jesus and bring hope to the hopeless. You empowered indigenous mission organizations and local churches to provide the most effective and cost efficient solutions to real problems. Thank you for not standing on the sidelines to watch but jumping on the field to play and to win. As we promised you, 100% of what you gave we sent to a partnership of 500 churches, 24 denominations, 57 organizations, and 5,000+ leaders.

RSVP for the Zoom meeting with Sergey, Ivan, and Ukrainian leaders on May 10th at 6:30PM CST.
In addition to ongoing rescue and humanitarian support, the Ukrainian partnership plans to serve 100,000 displaced refugee kids with sports camps, festivals, and tournaments this summer. During the programs, leaders will give every child a backpack with a printed Kids Bible, a sports ball, and supplies for school. The cost to sponsor one child is $200, 10 = $2,000, and 100 = $20,000. If God puts it on your heart please donate now!